Montessori in the Home
Implementing Montessori in your home can continue the lessons your child is learning at school.
Here are some ways to merge home and school…
Children should have a “main” play area that is prepared in an attractive and safe manner. Small areas in other rooms are also appropriate.
Young Children
1. Low Shelves.
2. Select toys and books in manageable quantities.
3. Containers for each separate toy.
4. Label containers with photographs or pictorial representation of toy- also try labeling the shelf with same.
5. Display books so front of book is seen.
6. Main play area plus spaces in other rooms.
7. Model putting toys away.
8. Have a feather duster or cleaning supplies for the child to clean the shelves and toys.
9. Rotate toys- keep an area of the home where toys can be stored when not in use.
Emergent Readers
Same but add:
1. Word labels with picture.
2. Increase the quantities of items.
3. Have child help to organize, label and sort toys.
4. Have a job chart to indicate when toys and shelving should be dusted.
5. Add a desk area with lamp.
6. Add a clock to the room- digital and regular clock face.
Older Students
1. Label toys and games if necessary.
2. Game pieces can be stored in small containers that are labeled.
3. Add a study area that is quiet and conducive to promoting good study habits- no TV.
Remember that we are helping the child to be as independent as possible.
Young Children
1. For young children, have a low cabinet shelf containing their supplies-cereal in a small container they can pour or scoop from, their bowl, cups, spoons, snacks they are allowed to have.
2. In the refrigerator, keep supplies on a low shelf-a small pitcher of water, milk or other drinks. A container with refrigerated snacks.
3. The dishwasher door when opened makes an excellent space for a young child to pour and prepare food.
4. Children can help choose the lunch items they want to pack or from the lunch menu.
Emergent Readers
1. Allow the child to gain more freedom in the kitchen but maintain a similar routine of keeping their foods and supplies within reach.
2. Children can also begin to read labels at home or the store to determine nutritional values of the food they choose.
3. It is important for children to help with food preparation and cooking.
4. Children can begin preparation of their lunch for the next day with supervision and guidance. They can read the lunch menu and select days they want to buy lunch.
Older Students
1. Children of this age are ready to begin cooking projects at home with less supervision. Of course, if they are using the stove or sharp instruments, adult supervision is necessary.
2. Now is a good time for your child to invite friends over for a party where he or she prepares the food, sets the tables, chooses the decorations etc.
3. Children can be responsible for packing their own lunch or selecting from the lunch menu. A good math lesson is totaling the amount due for lunches and requesting the check from mom or dad.
Young Children
1. Young children can help to fold washed clothes and sort dirty clothes.
2. With help, children can put away their clothes in drawers they can reach. Labeling spaces with pictures of clothing items can help.
Emergent Readers
1. Children of this age can take more responsibility for sorting and putting away laundry.
Older Students
1. By 10 years old, children can learn to use the washing machine and do their own laundry-as they grow into teenage years this can alleviate the-“where’s my blue shirt” syndrome!
Young Children
1. Children should have a stool so they can reach the sink and toilet.
2. Toothbrush and toothpaste should be easy to use and reach.
3. A small basket with necessary items for simple hygiene can be placed on a cabinet shelf so the child can reach and use it.
4. Helping to clean the bathroom is necessary for the child to take ownership in what belongs to them.
5. Bathtub toys should be organized in containers so the child can easily put them away or take them out.
Emergent Readers
1. Continue with the same ideas as for the young child but give the child increasing independence in the bathroom.
2. A daily checklist of hygienic care can be added to the environment, for example:
- Brush teeth
- Wash face
- Take a bath
- Wash hair
Older Students
1. As children approach puberty; they need lessons in proper hygienic care.
2. Other supplies may need to be added to their kit in the bathroom such as deodorant, pads for girls, etc.
3. By this age, children should be able to manage their own bath and care.
4. A checklist is still helpful or a set of 3X5 cards with each task written on one card as a reminder.